It's been almost a week since starting #TheGr8Cleanse this past Monday, and Tank and I are starting to come out of our brain fog, shed some weight and become more motivated in our workouts and professional lives. Can't you tell by this photo? This is literally what the cleanse feels like, but less itchy. ***insert crying laughing emoji***
Fun(ny) Fact: You know how companies do executive/leadership off-sites? Well, Tank and I are doing our own "Williams Offsite" this weekend. We strategically planned this during the cleanse because we know we are going to be our most productive, creative and clear-minded selves.
Most people's reactions: "Lol, an offsite about what? Is this for your marriage?" I crack up because I, too, am also entertained at the idea of us "formalizing" this and me convincing Tank to do it (but considering our wedding photographer got Tank to roll around in hay for pic, this was quite easy). But to answer, our offsite is focused on two things: A) Setting intentions for 2017 and B) Branding for our businesses.
For A), we'll be answering the four questions below—both individually & together—to set our intention for where we'd like our lives & businesses to go in 2017 (I took these questions from this episode of The Accidental Creative podcast, which I highly recommend listening to):
- What do I want to experience? (How do you want to feel? What types of settings do you want to find yourself in?)
- What do I want to learn? (What subjects do you want to explore? What areas of curiosity will you dive into?)
- Where do I want to go? (What places would you like to travel? What kinds of location-centric experiences would you like to have?)
- How do I want to change? (How will you be different when you go through this exercise again in twelve months?)
For B), we'll be focused on defining our brands & brand strategies for gr8nola and Tank's "brand" as a football analyst & real estate developer (give his IGs a follow: @tankwilliams13 & @sevenfigureflip):
- What do our brands stand for? (brand values)
- What makes our brands different?
- What does this mean & how will this live in everything we do? (whether it's in person interactions, look, voice, content on social media, etc.)
Now, I don't imagine everyone doing their own personal off-sites like us (because we are #weird :). But even if it's just for an hour on your own, I really encourage you to take some time to reflect and write down your thoughts for part A. Every year comes with inevitable change, so you might as well be intentional about the experiences you want to have, how you want to change and hopefully grow throughout the year!